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All Sculpture Cast In Bronze.

Catalogue: January 2016

Prices Subject To Change
(U.S. Dollars)

(LS: Life Size)
(IP: In Progress)
(Height” x Width” x Depth”) [Width x Depth x Height cm]
(NA: Not Available)


Table of Contents

Subjects Page

Amphibians 1
Birds 3
Botanicals 12
Fishes, Etc. 15
Human Subjects 17
Insects, Etc. 21
Mammals, Domestic 23
Mammals, Exotic 27
Mammals, North American 29
Miscellaneous 45
Reptiles 50

Appendices A
Website B
Lost Wax Casting C
Bronze Formulas, Etc. D
Gallery Representation E
Commission Policy F
Collections G
Biographical Sketch H
Commentary with translations I-J
(Spanish, German, French)
Media Bibliography K
Miscellaneous Writing L
Two-Dimensional Work;
Prints and Etching M

Frog, Bull
Ed. of 7 SOLD OUT Rana catesbeiana Sitting
(10"x21"x18") [52.5x45x25cm] (3XLS)


Frog, California Tree


(LS) (.5"x1"x1.25") HALA californiae


Frog, Canyon Tree


(1" x 2" x 2") (LS) HYLA arenicolor


Frog, Chorus


(1.5"x2"x1.5") (LS) PSEUDO triseriata


Frog, Leopard
Ed. of 35 $550.00 Rana pipens Leopard Frog on rock form
(3.5"x8"x7") [20x17.5x8.75cm] (LS)

Frog, Leopard
Ed. of 35 $370.00 Rana pipens Leopard Frog on wood form
(4"x9"x4") [22.5x10x10cm] (LS)

Frog, Leopard Single
Unlimited $200.00 Rana pipens
(2"x4"x5") [10x12.5x5cm] (LS)

Frog, Tree

Unlimited $80.00

(1.25" x 2" x1.25")

Toad, Western

Ed. of 30 $320.00

(2"x5"x5") (LS)

Toad, Red spotted

Ed. Unlimited $120.00

(2"x3"x2.5") (LS)


Toad, Spadefoot

Ed. of 18 $800.00

(3"x6'x8") SCAPHIOPUS hammonoi



Toad, Crawling

Ed. of 30 $320.00

(2"x7.5"x5.5) (LS)






Bee-eater on Stick

Ed. of 10 $700.00 Merops apiaster
(11”x17”x3.5”) [42.5x8.75x27.5cm] (LS)


Bird, shore group of ten (LS)

(NA) chula vista


Bird, Sun Conure

Ed. of 22 $900.00 Aratinga solstitialis Perched on branch
(8”x9”x6”) [22.5x15x20cm] (LS)

Bird, Sun Conure

Unlimited $150.00 Aratinga solstitialis Portrait only
(3“x1.5”x2”) [3.75x5x7.5cm] (LS)


Bird, Cactus Wren on Cholla

Ed. of 25 $600.00



Bird, Cardinal. dead on wood

Ed. of 20 $400.00

(2"x10"x6") CARDINALIS cardinalis



Cedar Waxwing

Ed. of 18 $520.00 Bombycilla cedroma With spoon and napkin
(4”x7”x7”) [17.5x17.5x10cm] (LS)

Chicken, Bantam Rooster

Ed. of 19 $2,800.00 Gallus Sp. Var. Walking
(17”x12”x6”) [30x15x42.5cm] (LS)

Chicken, Hen

Ed. of 20 $2,800.00 Gallus Sp. Var. Hen sitting on edge of haystack
(10”x22”x15”) [55x37.5x25cm] (LS)

Clapper Rail’s Dinner Plate

Ed. of 10 $2,100.00 Rallus longirostris Salt marsh setting,

see Appendix (4”x14” diameter) [6x35cm] (LS) A for a complete listing of species

Cockatoo, Perched

Ed. of 10 $2,200.00 Cacatua galerita See Appendix D
(15“x10”x7”) [25x17.5x37.5cm] (LS)

Cockatoo, Portrait

Ed. of 25 $900.00 Cacatua galerita
(9.5”x6”x7”) [15x17.5x23.75cm] (LS)


Duck, Black-Bellied Whystiling


(3.75"x4"x3") DENDROCYGNA autumnalis (LS)





Eagle, Golden

Ed. of 40 $520.00 Portrait
(9”x9”x4”) [22.5x10x22.5cm] (LS)

Eagle, Golden On Early Telephone Pole

Ed. of 18 $1,500.00 Aguila chrysaetos “Communication”
(20”H) [50cm] (LS)

Eagle, Golden Eagle, Standing

Ed. of 15 $6,000.00 Aguila chrysaetos
(31”x30”x22”) [75x55x77cm] (LS)

Eagle, Golden Eagle, Wings Up, On Rock Form

NOT AVAILABLE Aguila chrysaetos
(96”x48”x36”) [120x90x240cm] (LS)


Eagle, Golden madllion





Eagle, Golden Eagle On Rock Form

Ed. of 20 $250.00 Aguila chrysaetos Perched with wings in
(8”H) [20cm]

Eagle, Harpy

Ed. of 17 $960.00 Harpia harpyia “Voice in the Rain forest”, (14”x9”x13”) [22.5x32.5x35cm] (LS) portrait

Feather Plaque

Ed. of 40 $1,200.00 See Appendix K
(2”x12”x16”) [30x40x5cm] (LS)

Flamingo Feathers

N0T AVAILABLE Phoenicopters ruber Plaque, See Appendix L
(5”x8”) [20.3x12.7cm] (LS)

Flamingo Nest with Egg

Ed. of 5 $650.00 Phoenicopter ruber See Appendix L
(10”x10”x4”) [25.4x10.2x25.4cm] (LS)


Sissortail, Flycatcher

Ed. of 22 $1,000.00 (LS)

(11"x11"x10) TYRANUS forticatus


Grouse, Ruffed

Ed. of 21 $1,600.00

(12"x12"x10") BONASA umbellus


Guan, Horned

Ed. of 20 $300.00 Oreopfasis derbanus Head
(9.5”x7”x2.5”) [17.5x6.25x23.75cm] (LS)

Guinea Fowl, Helmeted, being Stalked

Ed. of 15 $2,800.00 Numida meleagris See Appendix N
(17”x14”x8”) [35x20x42.5cm]

Harris’s Hawk In Flight

Ed. of 8 $7,000.00 Parabuteo unicinctus “Under Wing”
Wingspan 48” Wingspan 120cm (LS)

Harris’s Hawk In Flight

Ed. of 50 $950.00 Parabuteo unicinctus “Under Wing”
Wingspan 16” Wingspan 40cm (1/3LS)

Hawk, Harris’s

Ed. of 9 $1,800.00 Parabuteo unicinctus “Still Life, Cloud Form”
(5.5”x21”x9”) [52.5x22.5x13.75cm] (LS)


Hawk, Redtail landing


(28"x30"x18") (LS) BUTEO jamaicensis




Heron, Great Blue

Ed. of 10 SOLD OUT Ardea herodias See Appendix E
(50”x25”x15”) [62.5x37.5x125cm] (LS)


Ed. of 20 SOLD OUT Calypte costae w/ Male Costa Hummingbird with
Fouqouieria Ocotilla blossoms
(4”x6”) [15x10cm] (LS)

Hummingbird, Black-chinned

Ed. of 18 SOLDOUT Archilochus alexandri In flight with nest and wild
on Vitis arizonicus grape vine
(11”x10”x9”) [25x22.5x27.5cm] (LS)

Hummingbird, Female

Unlimited $220.00 Archilochus alexandri Sitting on nest
(3”x5.5”x3.5”) [13.75x8.75x7.5cm] (LS)

Life Size Bronze Hummingbirds







Ed. of 25 SOLD OUT Cyanthus lateirostris Two Broad-billed with
with Opuntia Prickly Pear blossom
(9”x5”x6”) [12.5x15x22.5cm] (LS)

Hummingbird , Mexican Sheartail, Feeding at Blossom

Ed. of 15 $1,500.00 Calothorax eliza See Appendix N
at plumeria rubra
(10”x10”x7”) [25x17.5x25cm] (LS)


Hummingbird, in penstemanne




Hummingbird, in nest

desertmuseum edition (NA)

(3"x3"x2") (LS)



Hummingbird, 2 young in nest


(2.5"x3.5"x2.5) (LS)



Kingfisher, Common

Ed. of 20 $600.00 Alcedo atthis See Appendix N
(6”x6”x4”) [15x10x15cm] (LS)

Macaw Head

Ed. of 18 $750.00 Ara macao Over life-size
(or militaris)
(6.5”x7.5”x4”) [10x16.5x18.75cm] (LS+)

Magnolia Mockingbird

Ed. of 14 $2,200.00 Mimus polyglottos
(11”x17”x10”) [42.5x25x27.5cm] (LS) (IP)

Magpie, Azure-winged

Ed. of 20 $900.00 Cyanopica cyanus See Appendix N
(7”x12”x6”) [30x15x17.5cm] (LS)

Mourning Dove on Palm Tree

Ed. of 9 $7,200.00 Zenaidura macroura
(39”x25”x15”) [37.5x22.5x58.5cm] (LS)

Nuthatch, White-Breasted on Bark

Ed of 20 $900.00 Sitta carolinensis Relief Sculpture
(17”x7”x9”) [17.5x22.5x42.5cm] (LS) (Hangs on wall)


Ed. of 19 $2,100.00 Struthio sp. Portrait
(25”x7”x13”) [17.5x32.5x62.5cm] (LS)
Ostrich Hatching

Ed. of 70 $900.00 Struthio sp.
(6”x7”x8”) [17.5x20x15cm] (LS)


Owl, Barn

Ed. of 21 $1,800.00

(11"x11"x7") (LS) TYTO alba


Owl, Burrowing Owl with Beetle

Ed. of 20 $900.00 Speotyto cunicularia “Homage to Fuertes”
w/ family Scarabaeidae
(10”x7”x7”) [17.5x17.5x30cm] (LS)

Owl, Elf

Ed. of 20 SOLD OUT Micrathene whitneyi Owl on cottonwood branch
and Populus with leaves
frementi wislezenii
(8”x3”x9”) [7.5x22.5x20cm] (LS)


Owl, Elf

Ed. of 30 $600

(7"x4"x3") MICRATHENE whitneyi



Owls, Long-eared

Ed. of 10 NOT AVAILABLE Asio otus
(48”x25”x23”) [62.5x57.5x120cm] (LS)

Owl, Pygmy, with Luna Moth

Ed. of 30 $800.00 Glaucidium gnoma
(10”x8”x8”) [12x12x15cm] (LS)


Owl, Screech. mirror image (corner)

Ed. of 30 $650.00

(7.5"x5"x5") OTUS kennicotti


Owl, Screech. on saguarro rib

Ed. of 21 $2,000.00

(50"x4"x4") OTUS kennicotti


Owl, Screech. mountain island with plants

(NA) Otus Kennicitii




Pelican, Brown

Ed. of 30 $230.00 Pelicanus occidentalis Perched on rock form
(8”x4”x5”) [10x12.5x20cm]

Pelican, Brown

Ed. of 16 $5,600.00 Pelicanus occidentalis Pose #1, Wings partially out,
(31”x32”x26”) [80x65x77.5cm] (LS) bill out @ 90, neck out facing
45 right

Pelican, Brown

Ed. of 16 $4,800.00 Pelicanus occidentalis Pose #2, Wings in, bill against
(31”x23”x13”) [57.5x32.5x77.5cm] (LS) body, head 20 to right

Pelican, Brown

Ed. of 16 NOT AVAILABLE Pelicanus occidentalis Pose #3, Seated, wings in,
(13”x13”x29”) [32.5x72.5x32.5cm] (LS) facing forward
Pelican Portrait, Pose #1

Ed. of 9 $800.00 Pelicanus occidentalis
(15”x11”x4”) [27.5x10x37.5cm] (LS)

Pelican Portrait, Pose #2

Ed. of 9 $800.00 Pelicanus occidentalis
(18”x11”x3”) [27.5x7.5x45cm] (LS)


Piegon, dead

Ed. of 18 $800.00

(2"x11"x7") COLUMBA livia




Unlimited $60.00 Callipepla gambelii “Chick Hatching”
(1.75”x1.5”x1”) [3.75x2.5x4.38cm] (LS)

Quail, Chicks

Unlimited $80.00 Callipepla gambelii Chick (Available in three
(2.5”H) [6.25cm] (LS) different poses)

Quail, Gambel’s

Ed. of 50 NOT AVAILABLE Callipepla gambelii Male and Female In Habitat
(6”x15”x11”) [37.5x26.5x15cm] (LS) With Nest and Hatching Chicks

Quail, Gambel’s

Ed. of 30 $1,200.00 Callipepla gambelii Male and Female In Habitat
(9”x12”x7”) [30x16.5x21.5cm] (LS)

Quail, Bookends

Ed. of 50 $1,500.00 Callipepla gambelii As above, divided to make bookend pair, on wood base

Quail, Male Gambel’s

Ed. of 40 $420.00 Callipepla gambelii “A Bird In Hand”
(4”x10”x3”) [25x7.5x10cm] (LS)

Quail, Male Gambel’s Calling

Ed. of 50 $600.00 Callipepla gambelii Male Calling
(8.5”x8.5”x4.5”) [21.25x9.25x21.25cm] (LS)

Quail, Male Gambel’s Standing

Ed. of 50 $600.00 Callipepla gambelii Male Standing
(8.5”x8.5”x4.5”) [21.25x9.25x21.25cm](LS)

Quail, Gambel’s Adults, Three Poses

Ed. of $600.00 each Callipepla gambelii See Appendix E
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS)

Quail, Gambel’s Young, Ten Poses

Unlimited $180.00 each Callipepla gambelii See Appendix E
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS)

Quail, Nest Scene

Ed. of 30 $300.00 Callipepla sp. See Appendix E
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS)

Quail, Masked Bobwhite

Ed. of 50 $450.00 Colinus virginianes See Appendix E
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS) (IP)

Quail, Montezuma Mearne’s

Ed. of 50 $600.00 Cyrtonyx See Appendix E
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS) (IP)

Quail, Scaled

Ed. of 50 $600.00 Cellipepla squamata See Appendix E
(“x”x”x) [xxcm] (LS) (IP)

Ravens, Two

Ed. of 10 $16,000.00 Corvus corax One perched, one landing,
(80”x40”x30”) [100x75x200cm] (LS) on tree form, see Appendix O

Roadrunner Head w/ Greater Earless Lizard

Ed. of 40 $260.00 Geococcyx califonianus
(unnumbered) w/cophosaurus texanus
(2.5”x5.5”x3”) [13.25x7.5x6.25] (LS)


Roadrunner Pair

Ed. of 20 $2,800.00 Geococcyx californianus
(11”x33”x12”) [82.5x30x27.5cm] (LS) (IP)

Roadrunner w/Stick

Ed. of 10 NOT AVAILABLE Geococcyx californianus
(2xLS) (IP)


Roadrunner, running w/lizard

Ed. of 22 $1,900.00

(8"x16"x5") (LS) GEOCOCYX californicus




Sandpiper, Western

Ed. of 10 $600.00 CALIDRIS mauri



Scrub, Jay

Ed. of 20 $800.00

(LS) Ahelocoma californica


Sparrow Hawk (American Kestrel)

Ed. of 30 $900.00 Falco Sparverius
(11.5”x9”x5.5”) [13.5x8.25x17.25cm] (LS)

Steller’s Jay on Aspen

Ed. of 12 $2,800.00 Cyanocitta stelleri
(27”x17”x9”) [25.5x13.5x40.5cm] (1.5xLS)

Sunflower with Blue-throated Hummingbird

Ed. of 30 NOT AVAILABLE Lampornis clemenciae “Solar Satellite”
(14”x14”x10”) [35x25x35cm] (LS) (IP)

Tree Duck nestling

Unlimited $130.00

(3.75"x4"x2") (LS)



Toucanet, Emerald

Ed. of 20 $800.00 Aulacorhynchus prasinus
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS)


Ed. of 20 $900.00 Ramphastos sulfuratusHeads of pair
(10”x15”9”) [37.5x22.5x25cm] (LS+)

Turkey Portrait, Male and Female

Ed. of 20 $1,200.00 Meleagris gallopavo gouldii
(12”x15”x12”) [37.5x30x30cm] (LS)

Life Size Turkey

Turkey, Wild

Ed. of 26 NOT AVAILABLE Meleagris gallopavo Large, strutting male,
gouldii see Appendix O
(38”x30”x31”) [75x77.5x95cm] (LS)

Turkey, Female Walking

Ed. of 26 NOT AVAILBLE Meleagris gallopavo See Appendix O
(27”x22”x14”) [55x35x67.5cm] (LS)

Turkey, Vulture SCULL

Ed. of 9



Vulture, Turkey

Ed. of 9 $6,400.00

(37"x20"x14") (LS) Cathartes aura


Verin, with nest

Ed. of 30 $1,200.00

(12"x22"x12') (LS) AURIPARUS flaviceps




Vulture, White-backed, with Wings Spread

Ed. of 10 NOT AVAILABLE Gyps africans See Appendix N
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS) (IP)



Western, Sandipiers

Ed. of $600.00




Woodpecker, Ladder-Backed

Ed. of 20 $1,200.00 Picoides scalaris Woodpecker on oak branch
and Quercus emori
(19”x5.5”x4.5”) [13.5x11x47.5cm] (LS)

Wren, Canyon

Ed. of 25 $220.00 Catherpes mexicanus On a rock form
(6”x4.5”x2.5”) [11.25x6.25x15cm] (LS)


Wren, Cactus, on cholla Skeleton,

Ed. of 20 $600.00

(4.5"x8"x3.5") CAMPYLORHYNCHUS brunneicappillus



Wren Marsh, in Reeds

(NA) CISTOTHORUS palustris



Wren, Marsh, in reeds


(8"x25"x7") CISTOTTHORUS palustris










Ed. of 15 $1,500.00 “First Coconut Sets Anchor
(19”x17”x17”) [42.5x42.5x47.5cm] (LS) On The California Coast”
beached sprout with shells


Ed. of 18 $1,600.00 Zea maze High relief
(5”x14”x22”) [35x55x12.5cm] (LS)

Date Palm Tree Vignette Plaque,

See Appendix L. NA
(9”x27”x12”) [67.5x30x22.5cm] (LS)

Elote (Ear of Corn)

Ed. of 36 $800.00 Mounted Standing Upright
(12”x5”x3”) [7.5x4.5x18cm] (LS)

Ficus Arrangement

Ed. of 5 NA Ficus Plaque, See Appendix L
(14”x8”3”) [20.3x35.5x7.6cm] (LS)


Fruit , Prickley Pear


(1.5x1"dia) OPUNTIA engelmani


Four Ears of Corn

Ed. of 100 $450.00 each Mounted Standing Upright
(12”x3”x3”) [7.5x7.5x30cm] (LS)


Germination Sequence

4 low relief pieces







Saguaro Blossom Group

Ed. of 40 $800.00 Cereus giganteus
(10”x4”x4”) [10x10x25cm] (LS)


Saguaro Harvest Stick

Ed. of 7 $450 or $950 Cereus giganteus
(32” or 7’4”x10’x6”) [25x15x80 or 222cm](LS)

Saguaro Top (Half), Blooming

Ed. of 20 $2,200.00 Cereus giganteus (Sculpture composed of two parts
(12”x12”x6.5”) [30x16.25x30cm] (LS) that open to make book ends.)

Ed. of 20 $3,000.00 Cereus giganteus Day Scene with King Snake and
(12”x12”x6.5”) [30x16.25x30cm] (LS) Longhorn Beetle

Ed. of 20 $2,700.00 Cereus giganteus Night Scene with Bats
(12”x12”6.5”) [30x16.25x30cm] (LS)

Saguaro Top (Quarter), Blooming

Ed. of 30 $1,400.00 Cereus giganteus (Sculpture composed of two
(12”x6”x6.5”) [15x16.25x30cm] (LS) parts that open to make
book ends.)

Saguaro Top (Quarter), Blooming with Hole

Ed. of 30 $1,600.00 Cereus giganteus (Sculpture composed of two
(12”x5.5”x6.5”) [13.75x16.25x30cm] (LS) parts that open to make
book ends.)

Life Size Cactus

Saguaro Top with Buds, Blossoms and Fruit

Ed. of 19 $6,000.00 Cereus giganteus (Sculpture composed of two
(14”x15”x15”) [37.5x37.5x35cm] (LS) parts that open to make book
ends.) See Appendix C

Sycamore Tree Vignette Plaque

NA See Appendix L
(9”x27”x12”) [67.5x30x22.5cm] (LS)

Tree Vignette Plaques

NA (Matched symmetry pair,
(2.5”x10.5”x16”) [26.25x40x6.25] (LS) Citris, Olive, Fig, Acacia,
Mesquite, Desert Willow)


Willow, Desert Blossoms

Ed. of 8 $320.00 Chilopsis lineares Polychromed
(6”x10”) [25x15cm] (LS)

Fishes, Etc.

Bass, Large Mouth

Ed. of 29 $3,900.00 Micropterus salmoidesJumping out of water, also
(20”x18”x9”) [45x22.5x50cm] (LS) available as a fountain($3,000.00)

Bass, Small Mouth with Dragonfly

Ed. of 18 $1,400.00 Micropterus dolomieui
(5”x15”x5”) [37.5x12.5x12.5cm] (LS)

Crayfish, Louisiana

Unlimited $220.00 Procumbarus clarkii
(1.5”x6.5”x2”) [16.25x5x3.75cm] (LS)


Ed. of 60 $550.00 Procumbarus clarkii “Baiting the Hook”
(1.5”x10.5”x6”) [26.25x15x3.75cm] (LS)


Feather, in glass

Ed. of 8 $600.00

(6"x8"x5") AQUILA chrysaetos


Feather, Eagle


(17"x3.5"1") AQUILA chrysaetos


Fish, Drum

Ed. of 10 $800.00




Fish, red

Ed. of 10 $1,400.00




Fish, needle

Ed of 10 $700.00

(11"x15"x1.5") (LS)




Fish, Blue-gill

Ed. of 50 SOLD OUT Lepomis machrochrus Swimming over abstracted
machrchirus wood form
(5.5”x6.5”) [14.25x13.75cm] (LS)

Fish, Flying Pacific

Ed. of 27 Cypseuirus Two fish with a wave of water
(10”x10”x10”) [25x25x25cm] (LS) (IP)

Fish, Morphed Sand Trout

Ed. of 15 $320.00

(4"x8"x2.5") (LS)


Sea Horse with Shark Egg Sac

Ed. of 75 $800.00 Hippocampus kuda “Mermaid’s Stable”
(7”x5”x4”) [11.25x10x17.5cm] (LS)


Shrimp, desert fairy







Unlimited $120.00
(“x”x”) [xxxcm] (LS)



Ed. of 20 $95.00 Cerithidea sp. “Snail Trail”
(1.5”x4”x3.5”) [10x8.75x3.75cm] (LS)

Snail Cluster

Unlimited $250.00 Cerithidea sp.
(3”x3”x3”) [7.5x7.5x7.5cm] (LS)

Snail Plaque

Ed. of 19 $600.00 Cerithidea sp. “Nagual Disc”
(2.5” H, 11” D) [6.25cm H, 27.5cm D](LS)


Ed. of 50 $260.00 Salmon sp. With Rocks, Unnumbered Edition
(2”x6”x4”) [15x10x5cm]

Trout, Brown

Ed. of 28 $3,500.00 Salmon trutta (fario) At stream edge with fallen
(10”x25”x18”) [62.5x45x25cm] (LS) tree top

Trout, Rainbow

Ed. of 15 $4,200.00 Salmon gaironerii “Truchas”, log jam with
(15”x18”x21”) [45x35x37.5cm] (LS) three trout

Trout, Two Brook

Ed. of 18 $1,500.00 Salvelinus fortinalis On river rock
(“x”x”) [xxxcm] (LS)





Bust of Archbishop Salpointe

Open $700.00 Open edition for Salpointe
High School, Tucson AZ
(12.5”x10”x6”) [5x15x31.25cm] (1/2LS)

Figure on Waterfall

Ed. of 20 $1,500.00 h. sapiens Female nude
(22”x10”x10”) [25x25x55cm]

Figure, Emerging Winged Female

Ed. of 6 NA h. sapiens Abstracted figure
(23”x17”x7”) [42.5x17.5x57.5cm]

Goodman, Jack

Ed. of 6 $3,400.00
(24”x16”x14”) [40x35x60cm] (LS)

Gould, Larry

Ed. of 4 $3,200.00 Bust of Larry Gould
(24”x16”x11”) [40x27.5x60cm] (LS) (IP)

Kachina, Cottonwood

Ed. of 80 $700.00
(12”x6”x4”) [15x10x30cm]

Kachina, Crystal

Ed. of 80 $900.00
(13”x5.5”x4.5”) [13.75x11.25x32.5cm]

Kachina, Morning Singer

Unlimited $2,400.00 Hopi name: Talavai Open edition for Arizona
(21”x10”x9”) [25x22.5x52.5cm] Bank, See Appendix G

Kachina, Saguaro

Ed. of 70 $900.00
(13”x5”x6”) [12.5x15x32.5cm]




Morning Singer bookends





Kachina, Sun

Ed. of 340 SOLD OUT Hopi name: Tawa See Appendix G
(3”x3”x10”) [7.5x25x7.5cm]

Krakel, Dean

Ed. of 4 $3,600.00 “The Historian”
(23”x16”x10”) [40x25x57.5cm] (LS)

Mayan Corn Deity

Unlimited $1,800.00 Mayan name: Hun Sculpted from Copan,
Hunahpu Honduras figure, plaster figures
available for $350.00
(19”x5”x11”) [13.75x26.25x48.75cm] (1/2 LS)

Nude Figure, Female

Ed. of 20 $700.00 h. sapiens “Dream Flight” vertical pose
(16.5”x6”x5.5”) [15x14.75x41.75cm]

Nude Figure, Female

Ed. of 20 $1,200.00 h. sapiens Reclining on covered form
(8”x15”x12”) [37.5x30x20cm]

Nursing Infant

Ed. of 30 $3,200.00
(10”x14”x12”) [35x30x25cm] (LS)

Powell, Lawrence Clark, Author

Ed. of 4 $3,200.00 Bust of Lawrence Clark Powell
(20”x8”x16”) [20x40x50cm] (LS)


Parrrot Dancer

Ed. of 18 $700.00



Portrait of Luis Torres (NA)


Portrait of Fr. Tom (NA)

mission san juan capistrano


Release, Figure releasing Eagle

Ed. of 22 $800.00

(16"x7"x4") HOMO sapiens, AQUILLA chrysaetos


Refugee Family

Ed. of 20 $3,600.00 h. sapiens “Movimiento Sanctuario”,
(12”x17”) [42.5x30cm] family group walking

Seated Figure of Mrs. Quintana

Ed. of 9 $20,000.00 h. sapiens
(51”x25”x32”) [62.5x80x77.5cm] (LS)



St. Odillias Figures, Jan 8th Memorial






Sioux, Hunkpapa on Horseback

Ed. of 10 SOLD OUT See Appendix F “Returning” Gall and Crow King,
(19”x18”x14”) [45x35x47.5cm] two figures on horseback

Skeletal Portrait, Human

Ed. of 22 $5,200.00
(27”x15”x19”) [37.5x47.5x67.5cm] (LS) (IP)

Surgeon’s Hands

Ed. of 10 $900.00 Dr. Craig DuFresne,
(8”x11”x7”) [27.5x17.5x20cm] (LS) plastic surgeon

Waters, Frank

Ed. of 50 $700.00 Frank Waters’ left hand, for (2”x8.5”x5”) [21.25x12.5x5cm] (LS) Frank Waters Foundation,
see Appendix H

Waters, Frank

Ed. of 50 $600.00 Frank Waters’ right hand with
(4.5”x4”x7”) [10x17.5x12.5cm] (LS) pen, for Frank Waters Foundation, see Appendix H

Waters, Frank

Ed. of 25 $950.00 Frank Waters’ mask,
(6”x4.5”) [41.25x15cm] (LS) see Appendix H

Waters, Frank, Author

Ed. of 7 $2,800.00 Bust of Frank Waters,
(18”x7”x10”) [17.5x25x45cm] (LS) see Appendix H

Woman Quiet As Clay

Ed. of 4 $4,200.00 Juanita Ahill, Tohono O’Odham
(Height 12”) [Height 30 cm] (LS)

Woman, Tohono O’Odham with Basket

Ed. of 18 $2,900.00 “Man in the Maze”, maquette for
(24”x10”x10”) [25x25x60cm] the Udall Recreation Park Project


Woman w/Sea Shell

Ed. of 25 $1,600.00
(11“x6”x6”) [15x15x27.5cm]

Young Refugee (Guatemalan Girl)

Ed. of 50 NA For ASDF
(7.5”x5”x7”) [12.5x17.5x18.75cm]



Insects, Etc.

Beetles, Ladybird (Ladybugs)

Unlimited $120.00 family Coccinellidae Polychromed, Two beetles
(0.25”x3.5”x3”) [8.75x7.5x0.8cm] (LS) on leaf



Ed. of 20 $210.00




Unlimited $90.00 family Cicadidae See Appendix L
(1”x3”x4.5”) [7.5x11.25x2.5cm] (LS)

Cicada on Cottonwood, Single

Ed. of 18 $1,100.00 f. Cicadidae with “Sound of Summer”
Populus fremonti wislezenii
(15”Hx12”) [30x37.5cm] (LS)

Dung Beetle

Unlimited $180.00 See Appendix N
(3”x4”x2”) [10x5x7.5cm]


Unlimited $150.00 family Gomphidae See Appendix L
(1.5”x4.5”x3.5”) [11.25x8.75x3.75cm](LS)



Unlimited $180.00


Insect Plate

NA See Appendix M
(“x”x”) [xxxcm] (LS)







Long-horn Beetle

Unlimited $180.00 family Cerambycidae
(2”x7”x4.5”) [17.5x11.25x5cm] (LS)

Rhino Beetle

Unlimited $120.00 Dynastes tityas
(1.5”x4”x3.5”) [10x8.75x3.75cm] (LS)


Rhino Beetle #2

Unlimited $120.00 Dynastes tityas
(1.5”x4”x3.5”) (LS)



Ed. of 20 $450.00 Aphonopelma Walking
(1”x6”x6”) [15x15x2.5cm] (LS)

Tarantula, Mexican, Red-kneed

Ed. of 100 $350.00 Brachypelma See Appendix N
(unnumbered) smithi
(2”H on 5”dia. disc) [5cmH on 12.5cm dia. disc] (LS)


Scorpions, 4 African

Ed. of 20 $650.00



Wasp, Tarantula.





Ed. of 24 $880.00 Family Phasmidae “Waltzing Sticks”
(10”x12”x7”) [30x17.5x25cm] (LS)

Bugs, Water

Unlimited $200.00

(1.25"x5"x4") (LS) DENDROCYGNA autumnalis




Mammals, Domestic


Bison, group

(NA) BISON bison



Life-Size Goat

Goat, Nubian

Ed. of 4 SOLD OUT Capra Standing, head turned to left
(4.5’x4.5’) [135x135cm] (LS)

Goat, Nubian Milk

Ed. of 35 $950.00 Capra Standing
(11”x13”) [32.5x55cm] (1/3LS)


Greyhound, reclining

Ed. of 17 $6,200.00

(12"x36"x22") (LS) CANIS sp




Ed. of 25 NA Equus caballas “Blue Scrimshaw”
(7”H) [17.5cm] Pirouette to left


Ed. of 30 $850.00 Equus caballas “Drifter, An Old Gelding”
(8”x12”) [30x20cm]


Unlimited $225.00 Equus caballas Dressage movement
(3.5”) [8.75cm]


Ed. of 9 NA Equus caballas “The Professor”,
(12”H) [30cm] Lipanzanner stallion

Horse with Daisies

Ed. of 50 NA Equus caballas “Las Margaritas”, for
(4”x7.5”x2”) [18.5x5x10cm] Wendy Payne-O’Brien Center, unnumbered



Horse, Arabian

Ed. of 30 $1,200.00 Equus caballas “Drinker of the Wind”
(10”x17”) [42.5x25cm] (mounted on flagstone)
extended trot
Horse, Holstiener Stallion

Ed. of 50 $850.00 Equus caballas “South Pacific, a Winner”,
(7”x9”x4”) [22.5x10x17.5cm] portrait for Joan Irvine Smith,
see Appendix B

Horse, Holstiener Stallion

Ed. of 20 $4,000.00 Equus caballas “South Pacific” standing pose,
(14”x18”x6.5”) [45x16.25x35cm] (1/6LS)see Appendix B

Horse, Holstiener Stallion

Ed. of 100 $700.00 Equus caballas “South Pacific” standing pose,
(7”x9”x3.25”) [22.5x8.125x17.5cm] (1/12LS)unnumbered edition,
see Appendix B

Horse, Peruvian Pasofino Stallion

Ed. of 20 $1,400.00
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (1/6LS)

Horse, “Rocky”

Ed. of 5 NA
(80”x96”x60”) [240x150x200cm] (LS)

Labrador Retriever

Ed. of 20 NA
(14“x33”x18”) [82.5x45x35cm] (LS)

Lamb, Bighorn

Ed. of 10 $7,500.00 See Appendix E
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (IP)

Longhorn Bull

Ed. of 30 $1,600.00 Bos taurus “Desert Titan”
(11”x14”) [27.5x35cm]



Longhorn Cow & Calf

Ed. of 30 NA Bos taurus Standing together
(9”x14”) [35x22.5cm]

Longhorn Steer

Ed. of 30 $1,100.00 Bos taurus “Pawin’ Dirt”, with or w/o
(6”x12”x6”) [30x15x15cm] brand of purchaser

Longhorn Steer

Ed. of 30 NA Bos taurus “Lying Down”
(5.5”x14”) [35x13.75cm]

Pika, on rock

Ed. of 40 $800.00

(8"x11"x9") (LS) OCHOTONA princeps


Rat, Kangaroo


(2.5"x8"x3") (LS) DIPODOMYS merriami


Ram, Churro

Ed. of 20 $2,800.00 Ovis aries Breed acquired from Spanish
by Navajo, standing pose
(17”x6”x19”) [15x47.5x42.5cm] (1/3LS)


Sealion Pup, ZALOPHUS californianus

Ed. 20 $3,200

(12"x24"x14") (LS)


Skull, Goat with Sage

Ed. of 20 $500.00 Capra angorensis Skull lying beneath bush
(3”x6”x9”) [15x22.5x7.5cm]

Bronze Bull Skull

Skull, Hereford Bull On Barn Door

Ed. of 30 $500.00 Bos taurus “Remembering an Ancestor”,
(6”x7.5”) [15x18.75cm] high relief

Skull, Longhorn Steer with Barbed Wire

Ed. of 30 $900.00 Bos taurus “Gateway to the Past”
(12”x9”) [30x22.5cm]

Skull, Sheep

Ed. of 20 $500.00 Ovis aries With Rio Grande rug
(2.5”x6”x6”) [15x15x6.25cm]

Terrier, Westhighland

Ed. of 9 $4,200.00
(12”x29”x12”) [72.5x30x30cm]


Terrier, Wire-haired

Ed. of 20 NA Canis familiaris “Nellie”
(5.5”x6”x4”) [15x10x13.75cm]

Terrier, Wire-haired

Ed. of 20 NA Canis familiaris “Cappy”
(5.5”x5”x7”) [12.5x17.5x13.75cm]


Mammals, Exotic



Anteater, Young Sleeping

Ed. of 20 $900.00 See Appendix D
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS)

Deer, Fallow

Ed. of 19 $2,400.00 Cervus sp. Standing male
(18”x16”x12”) [40x30x45cm] (1/3LS)

Elephant, Asian Bull

Ed. of 17 $2,100.00 Elephas maximus “Sabu”, see Appendix D
(10.5”x14.5”x5.5”) [36.5x13.75x26.25cm]

Elephant, African

Ed. of 12 $3,200.00 Loxodonta africana Trunk up, feeding in tree,
(22”x13”x10.5”) [32.5x26.25x55cm] see Appendix D

2 Life Size Gazelles

Gazelles, Two

Ed. of 5 NA Gazella granti Leaping over bramble form
(6’x6’x4’) [180x120x180cm] (LS)

Gibbon, White-handed

Ed. of 10 NA Hylobates agilis Female with young, see
(36”x24”x18”) [60x45x90cm] (LS) Appendix D

Hippopotamus, Pygmy

Ed. of 10 NA Hexaprotodon Standing, see Appendix D
(8”x11.5”x6”) [28.75x15x20cm]
Hippopotamus, Pygmy, Portrait

Ed. of 10 NA Hexaprotodon Head with mouth open, see
liberiensis Appendix D
(3.5”x6.5”x4”) [16.25x10x8.75cm]


Monkies, five (Sandiego Zoo)

(NA) (LS)



Mongoose, on Termite Mound

Ed. of 20 NA See Appendix N
(14”x9”x8”) [22.5x20x35cm]

Rhinoceros, White of Square-lipped

Ed. of 19 $2,800.00 Diecero simus Standing, head to left
(8”x14.5”x6.5”) [36.25x16.25x20cm] See Appendix D

Serval Cat, Stalking

Ed. of 7 NA Felis serval See Appendix N
(22”x38”x10”) [95x25x55cm]

Tiger, Bengal

Ed. of 9 SOLD OUT Pantera tigris bengali Reclining, see Appendix D
(8.5”x21”x12”) [52.5x30x21.25cm]

Tiger, Bengal

NA Pantera tigris bengali Walking, see Appendix P
(50”x92”x23”) [230x57.5x125cm]

Tiger, Bengal

Open edition $900.00 Pantera tigris bengali Small Model, see Appendix P
(7.5”x18”x4”) [45x10x18.75cm]


Mammals, North American


Ed. of 28 $2,200.00 Antilocapra Pair running
(12”x16”) [40x30cm]

Antelope, Buck

Ed. of $ 1,800.00
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (1/6LS)

Antelope, Buck

Ed. of 10 $14,000.00 Antilocapra americanaSee Appendix O
(54”x57”x17”) [142.5x42.5x135cm] (LS)

Antelope, Fawn

Ed. of 27 $4,200.00 Antilocapra americana
(27”x8”x20”) [20x50x67cm] (LS)

Armadillo, Nine-banded

Ed. of 30 $2,800.00 Dasypus novemcinctusSee Appendix N
(17”x9”x9”) [22.5x22.5x42.5cm]

Bat, Mexican Free-Tailed

Ed. of 20 $360.00 Tadarida brasiliensis On rock form
(4”x6.5”x5”) [16.25x12.5x10cm] (LS)


Bat Mexican Freetail, Wood Rat, Grasshopper

Ed. of 8 $1,200

(8"x12"x5") TADARIPA brasiuensis


Bat Mexican Freetail, cave scene


(8'x5'x5') (LS) TADARIDA brasivensis


Bat, Pippistrelle


(1"x3"x2.5") (LS) PIPISTRELLUS hesperus


Bat, Pip

(LS) 120/ -with base 150



Bat, Pippistrelle


(2"x4"x3") Pippistrellus hespprus



Bear, Black Walking


(LS) URSUS americanus


Bear, Black

Ed. of 10 NA Ursus americans Standing, see Appendix O
(66”x30”x40”) [75x100x165cm] (LS)

Bear, Polar

Ed. of 12 $2,700.00 Thalarctos maritimus Standing on rock form,
(11.5”x14.5”x9.5”) [36.25x23.75x28.75cm] see Appendix D

Bear, Polar, Young

Ed. of 20 NA See Appendix D
(‘x”x”) [xxcm]

Bear’s Pencil

Ed. of 12 $2,000.00 Chipmunk on stump w/stick,
(8.5”x17”x18”) [42.5x45x21.25cm] (LS) ferns, mushrooms

Bobcat, Female

Ed. of 20 NA Lynx rufus Sitting upright
(24”x10”x14”) [25x36x61cm] (LS)


Bobcat, Portrait (corner)

Ed. of 20 $500.00

(7"x6"x5") LYNX rufus

Bobcat, Male

Ed. of 20 $3,600.00 Lynx rufus Reclining, licking side,
(12”x26”x17”) [65x42.5x30cm] (LS) see Appendix E

Bobcats, Two With Tree and Rock Forms

Ed. of 50 $900.00 Lynx rufus “Wildcats” unnumbered
(7.5”x12”x6.5”) [30x16.25x18.75cm] (1/12 scale)

Bobcats, Two With Tree and Rock Forms

Ed. of 5 POR Lynx rufus With fabricated cement rock
(90”x144”x78”) [360x200x228cm] (2XLS)


Bobcat, Walking

Ed. of 10 $5,700

(17"x37"x14") (LS) LYNX rufus


Bobcat, Young

Ed. of 35 NA Lynx rufus Reclining at play
(3”x18”x8”) [46x20x8cm] (LS)

Bobcat, Young

Ed. of 35 NA Lynx rufus Getting alerted at play
(7”x12”x8”) [30x20x18cm] (LS)


Cheetah, group

(NA) ACINONYX jubatus




Ed. of 15 $2,400.00 Nasua narica Preening, see Appendix O
(9”x31”x9”) [77.5x22.5x22.5cm] (LS)



Coatimundi, Baby

Ed. of 35 $950.00 Nasua narica Standing with tail up,
(12”x11”x2”) [28x5.1x30.5cm] (LS) see Appendix O

Cottontail, Adult

Ed. of 30 $800.00 Sylvilagus auduboni
(6”x12”x4”) [18x6x9cm] (LS)


Cottontail, Reclining. Sylvilagus auduboni

(2"x5"x2.5) (NA)



Cottontail, Standing Eastern

Ed. of 30 $900.00 Sylvilagus auduboni
(13”x6”x7”) [15x17.5x32.5cm] (LS)

Cottontail, Baby

Unlimited $120.00 Sylvilagus auduboni Pose #1, Looking up
(2.5”x3”x3.5”) [7.5x8.75x6.25cm] (LS)

Cottontail, Baby

Unlimited $120.00 Sylvilagus auduboni Pose #2, Feeding
(2.5”x4”x2”) [10x5x6.25cm] (LS)

Cottontail, Baby

Unlimited $120.00 Sylvilagus auduboni Pose #3, Lying down
(2.25”x6”x3”) [15x7.5x5.63cm] (LS)

Cottontail, Baby

Unlimited $120.00 Sylvilagus auduboni Pose #4, Standing up
(5.5”x2”x2.5”) [5x6.25x13.75cm] (LS)

Cottontail, Baby

Unlimited $120.00 Sylvilagus auduboni Pose #5, Scratching ear
(3.5”x3”x3”) [7.5x7.5x8.75cm] (LS)


Cottontail, Leaping

Ed. of 20 $900.00

(8"x12"x4")(LS) SYLVILAGUS auduboni




Ed. of 20 SOLD OUT Canis latrans Female adult reclining CY1,
(10”x40”x17”) [100x42.5x25cm] (LS) see Appendix E & O


Coyote, Walking

(NA) Nevada, Game and Fish

(18"x34"10") CANIS latrans (LS)


Coyote, Pup

Ed. of 35 NA Canis latrans CY2, see Appendix E & O
(8”x14”x8”) [35x20x20cm] (LS)


Ed. of 10 SOLD OUT Canis latrans Adult standing CY3, “Stalking”
(21”x44”x7.5”) [110x18.75x52.5cm] (LS)

Life Size Coyote

Coyote, on a rock form

Ed. of 10 SOLD OUT Canis latrans Adult standing CY4,
(32”x50”x34”) [125x85x80cm] (LS) see Appendix E & O


Ed. of 10 NA Canis latrans Adult pouncing CY5,
(28”x36”x7.5”) [90x18.75x70cm] (LS) see Appendix E


Ed. of 10 SOLD OUT Canis latrans Adult sitting CY6,
(24”x30”x16”) [75x40x60cm] (LS) see Appendix E & O

Coyote Singing

Ed. of 30 $800.00 Canis latrans Seated, head up
(9”x8”x4”) [20x10x22.5cm]

Coyotes Singing, Two

Ed. of 10 NA See Appendix O
(“x”x”) [xxcm]

Coyote Singing

Ed. of 6 NA Canis latrans Seated, head up
(54”x48”x24”) [120x60x69cm] (overLS)


Coyote Shull at Pinacate

Ed. of 20 $820.00 Canis latrans “Pinacate Dream”
(3”x9”x11”) [22.5x27.5x7.5cm] (LS)

Life Size Fawn

Deer, Female White-tail Fawn

Ed. of 22 $3,600.00 Odocoileus Reclining, licking hoof,
virginianus see Appendix N & O
(8.5”Hx18”x15”) [45x37.5x21.25cm] (LS)

Deer, Mule Deer Fawn

Ed. of 8 SOLD OUT Odocoileus hemionus Male fawn lying down
(4.5’x20”x12”) [50x30x11.25cm] (LS)

Deer, Mule Deer Fawn

Ed. of 10 NA Odocoileus hemionus Standing fawn looking right
(40”x8”x28”) [20x70x100cm] (LS)

Deer, Mule Deer Buck

Ed. of 10 NA Odocoileus hemionus Standing male looking right
(68”x23”x62”) [57.5x155x170cm] (LS) with antlers

Deer, Mule Deer Doe

Ed. of 10 NA Odocoileus hemionus Standing female looking left
(50”x20”x60”) [50x150x125cm] (LS)

Deer, White-tail Scene

Ed. of 20 $3,700.00 Odocoileus Antler with oak and rock and
virginianus w/ a garter snake
Quercus emori and Thamnophis eques
(13”x21”x12”) [32.5x50x32.5cm] (LS)

Deer, White-tail Fawn

Ed. of 24 $3,700.00 Odocoileus Male, standing, head to left,
virginianus see Appendix O
(22”x7”x21”) [17.5x52.5x55cm] (LS)


Deer, White-tail Doe

Ed. of 12 $4,300.00 Odocoileus Doe feeding on juniper
virginianus w/ Juniperus sp.
(40”x14”x14”) [35x35x100cm] (LS)

Deer, White-tail Skull

Ed. of 20 $3,700.00 Odocoileus virginanus
(16”x20”x18”) [50x45x40cm] (LS)

Elk, Bull (Wapiti)

Ed. of 10 NA Cervus canadensis Bugling
(11.5’x9’x5’) [279x155x345cm] (LS)

Life Size Sleeping Fox


Ermine, in snow

Ed. 20 $600.00

(8"x3.5"x7") MUSTELA eriminea


Ferret, Black Footed

Ed. of 10 $280.00

(4.25"x3"x5.5") (LS) Mustela nigripes



Fox, Fennic 1 adult

Ed. 10 $3,000.00



Fox, Fennic 2 young


(2.5"x8"x3") (LS)


Fox, Grey

Ed. of 29 $2,200.00 Urocyon Young, sleeping,
cinereoargenteus see Appendix O
(4”x12”x9”) [30x22.5x10cm] (LS)

Fox, Kit

Ed. of 29 $3,800.00 Vulpes macrotis Strolling
(16.25”x26.75”x6”) [68x15x42cm] (LS)

Sitting Kit Fox

Fox, Kit

Ed. of 29 $3,500.00 Vulpes macrotis Adult sitting up
(16”x16”x8”) [40x20x40cm] (LS)


Fox, Kit Portrit

Ed. of 20 $500

(7"x6"x6") (LS) VULPE velox


Fox, Kit (reclining) pup

(NA) VULPE velox

(2"x5"x3") (LS)


Jackrabbit, Black-tailed

Ed. of 22 SOLD OUT Lepus californicus Pose #1, Lying down
(13”x19”x11”) [47.5x27.5x32.5cm] (LS)


Jackrabbit, Black-tailed

Ed. of 22 SOLD OUT Lepus californicus Pose #2, Cleaning face, Sitting up
(19”x12”x7”) [30x47.5x27.5cm] (LS)

Jackrabbit, Black-tailed

Ed. of 22 $2,800.00 Lepus californicus Pose #3, Up on hind legs
(21.5”x6”x12”) [15x30x53.75cm] (LS)


Ed. of 27 $2,800.00 Lepus alleni Pose #4, Scratching ear,
(15.5”x7”x11”) [17.5x27.5x38.75cm] (LS) see Appendix O


Ed. of 27 SOLD OUT Lepus alleni Pose #5, Grooming
(18”x9”x9”) [22.5x22.5x45cm] (LS)


Ed. of 27 SOLD OUT Lepus alleni Pose #6, Reclining,
(14”x23”x9”) [57.5x22.5x35cm] (LS) see Appendix O


Ed. of 27 $2,800.00 Lepus alleni Pose #7, Up on four legs with
(18”x16”x8”) [40x20x45cm] (LS) head up, see Appendix O


Ed. of 27 $2,800.00 Lepus alleni Pose #8, Reclining after rolling
(14”x21”x11”) [42.5x27.5x35cm] (LS) in dust


Ed. of 27 $2,800.00 Lepus alleni Pose #9, Sitting
(20”x12”x6”) [30x15x50cm] (LS)


Ed. of 27 $2,800.00 Lepus alleni Pose #10, Eating
(13”x17”x6”) [42.5x15x32.5cm] (LS)



Ed. of 15 $9,500.00 Lepus alleni Pose #4, Scratching ear
(31”x14”x22”) [35x55x77.5cm] (2XLS)


Ed. of 15 $9,500.00 Lepus alleni Pose #5, Grooming
(36”x18”x18”) [45x45x90cm] (2XLS)


Ed. of 15 SOLD OUT Lepus alleni Pose #6, Reclining
(28”x46”x18”) [115x45x70cm] (2XLS)


Ed. of 15 $9,500.00 Lepus alleni Pose #9, Sitting
(40”x24”x12”) [60x30x100cm] (2XLS)


Ed. of 15 $9,500.00 Lepus alleni Pose #10, Eating
(26”x34”x12”) [85x30x65cm] (2XLS)


Ed. of 50 $750.00 Lepus alleni Pose #6, Reclining
(7”x11.5”x4.5”) [28.75x11.25x17.5cm] (1/2LS)

Jackrabbit, Black-tailed

Ed. of 9 $35,000.00 Lepus alleni Pose #1, Lying down
(39”x57”x33”) [142.5x82.5x97.5cm] (3XLS)

Jackrabbit, Black-tailed

Ed. of 9 SOLD OUT Lepus alleni Pose #3, Up on hind legs
(64.5”x18”x36”) [45x90x161.25cm] (3XLS)


Ed. of 15 $35,000.00 Lepus alleni Pose #4, Scratching ear
(46.5”x21”x33”) [52.5x82.5x116.25cm](3XLS)


Jackrabbit (LS) poses 13,14,15

Ed. of 25 $2,800.00

LEPUS alleni





Jackrabbit, young 13 poses.

Ed. of 20 $750.00

(11"x3"x5") LEPUS alleni



Ed. of 20 $220.00 Pecari angulatus “Javelina Tracks”
(1”x6”x6”) [15x15x2.5cm] (LS) (IP)


Ed. of 35 SOLD OUT Pecari angulatus Pose #1, Newborn reclining,
(6”x11”x5”) [27.5x12.5x15cm] (LS) see Appendix E


Ed. of 10 SOLD OUT Pecari angulatus Pose #2, Female adult standing,
(21”x32”x10”) [80x25x27.5cm] (LS) see Appendix E & O


Ed. of 10 SOLD OUT Pecari angulatus Pose #3, Female adult reclining,
(15.5”x30.5”x12”) [76.25x30x38.75cm] (LS) see Appendix E


Ed. of 15 NA Pecari angulatus Pose #4, Yearling standing,
(7”x10”x3”) [57.5x12.5x37.5cm] (LS) see Appendix E


Ed. of 10 NA Pecari angulatus Pose #5, Male adult rooting,
(19”x30”x9.25”) [75x23x15cm] (LS) see Appendix E

Ed. of 35 $950.00 Pecari angulatus Pose #6, Standing newborn,
(7”x10”x3”) [17.5x25x7.5cm] (LS) head to left, see Appendix E & O


Ed. of 10 $6,500.00 Pecari angulatus Pose #7, Adult standing,
(21”x34”x10”) [85x25x52.5cm] (LS) head down, see Appendix O


Ed. of 35 $950.00 Pecari angulatus Pose #8, Standing newborn,
(7.5”x10.5”x5”) [26.25x12.5x18.75cm](LS) head to right, see Appendix O


Ed. of 35 $950.00 Pecari angulatus Pose #9, Standing newborn,
(6.5”x9.5”x4”) [23.75x10x16.25cm] (LS) head down



Ed. of 20 $6,600.00 Pecari angulatus Pose #10, Male adult standing,
(24”x35”x11”) [87.5x27.5x60cm] (LS) see Appendix O


Javalina, reclining group

Ed. of 15 $7,200.00

(11"x35"x24") (LS) PECARRI angulatus



Kangaroo, Rat


(LS) DIPODOMYS deserti




Klipspringer, (2)

Ed. of 9 $4,200.00 ea.

(LS) OREOTAGUS oreotagus



Lion, Mountain (Cougar, Puma)

Ed. of 50 NA Felis concolor Adult reclining on rock form,
(4”x8”x5”) [20x12.5x10cm] macquette sketch

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 20 $3,200.00 Felis concolor
(9”x24”x14”) [60x35x22.5cm] (1/3XLS)

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 50 NA Felis concolor Adult walking down rock form,
(4”x7”x4”) [17.5x10x10cm] macquette sketch

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 20 NA Felis concolor Adult walking down rock form,
(14.5”x22”x8”) [55.9x20.3x36.8cm] (1/3XLS)

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 9 NA Felis concolor Walking down rock form,
(40”x70”x38”) [175x95x100cm] (LS) head to right

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 4 NA Felis concolor Walking down rock form,
(80”x140”x76”) [350x190x200cm] (2XLS) head to right

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 20 NA Felis concolor Walking down rock form,
(13.3”x23.3”x12.6”) [58.3x31.6x33.3cm] (1/3LS)head to right

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 9 NA Felis concolor Reclining
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS) (IP)


Lion, Mountain tracks

Ed. of 6 $600.00

(1"x11.5"x10") (LS)

Lion, Mountain Perched

Ed. of 25 $8,000.00

(14"x70"x18") FELIS concolor

Lion, Mountain on rock form

Ed. of 20 $1,100.00


Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 4 NA Felis concolor Female reclining
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (2XLS)

Lion, Young Mountain

Ed. of 8 NA Felis concolor Reclining on left side, head up
(23”x86”x40”) [215x100x57.5cm] (2XLS)

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 20 $2,800.00 Felis concolor Adult reclining
(7”x19.75”x13”) [50x33x18cm] (1/3LS)

Lion, Mountain

Ed. of 20 NA Felis concolor Reclining on left side, head up
(3.8”x14.3”x6.6”) [35.8x16.6x9.6cm] (1/3LS)


Lion, Mountain

Desert museum retirement (NA)



Lion, Mountain standing

Ed. of 12 $9,000.00

(LS) Felis concolor





Lion, Young Mountain

Ed. of 50 $600.00 Felis concolor Reclining
(4”x11”x6.75”) [28x17x10cm] (1/3LS)


Lion, Sea (pup)

Ed. of 20 $3,200.00

(12"x24"x14") ZALOPHUS californianus




Monkey, White-throated Capuchin

Ed. of 20 $3,600.00 Cebus capucinus Seated, see Appendix N
(14”x11”x12”) [27.5x30x35cm]

Mouse with Cheese

Unlimited $180.00 Peromyscus eremicus Mouse chewing on a wedge of
(2.5”x4”x3”) [6x4.5x6.75cm] (LS) cheese

Mouse with Cracker

Unlimited $180.00 Peromyscus eremicus Eating saltine cracker
(2.5”x4”x3”) [6x4.5x6.75cm] (LS)


Mice, Great Basin pocket mice

2 poses UNLIMITED $120.00

(2"x2.5""x2") Pergnatus parvus




Otter, Standing River

Ed. of 30 $3,800.00 Lutra canadensis See Appendix O
(23”x7”x23”) [17.5x57.5x57.5cm] (LS)

Otter with Trout

Ed. of 50 $390.00 Lutra canadensis “Play or Dine”
with Salmo sp.
(9”x5”x3”) [12.5x7.5x22.5cm]

Pika, on rock

Ed. of 40 $800.00

(8"x11"x9") (LS) OCHOTONA princeps

Prarie Dogs

Ed. of 19 NA Cynomys “Family Group”
(22”x22”x14”) [55x35x55cm] (LS)

Raccoon, Standing

Ed. of 30 $3,200.00 Procyon lotor
(17”x7”x20”) [17.5x50x42.5cm] (LS)


Ram, Bighorn


OVIS canadensis nelsoni



Ram, Bighorn

Ed. of 20 $800.00 Ovis canadensis Lying amoung rocks, high relief (9”Hx10”W) [25x22.5cm] (1/6LS)

Ram, Desert Bighorn

Ed. of 20 $850.00 Ovis canadensis Standing on a rock ledge
(13”x12”) [30x32.5cm] (1/6LS)

Ram, Desert Bighorn

Ed. of 20 NA Ovis canadensis Walking
(17”x20”x8”) [50x20x42.5cm] (1/3LS)

Ram, Desert Bighorn

Ed. of 9 NA Ovis canadensis Walking uphill, head turned
mexicani to left
(56”x47”x22”) [117.5x55x140cm] (LS)

Life Size Ram Skull

Ram, Desert Bighorn

Ed. of 4 NA Ovis canadensis Walking uphill, head turned
mexicani to left
(112”x94”x44”) [235x110x280cm] (2XLS)

Ram, Desert Bighorn & Saguaro

Ed. of 20 $3,800.00 Ovis canadensis Ram standing next to Saguaro
mexicani & Cereus cactus
(24”x14”x14”) [35x35x60cm] (1/6LS)

Ram, Rocky Mountain Bighorn

Ed. of 25 SOLD OUT Ovis canadensis Walking upward by fallen tree
(14”x13”) [32.5x30.5cm] (1/6LS)


Rat, Wood x3

(with key, curled up, on edge)

UNLIMITED, $220.00 NEOTOMA lepida



Rat, Kangaroo

Ed. of 20 $700.00 Dipodomys deserti “Kangaroo Rat Visits Arches
(3.5”x11”x7.5”) [28.5x19.75x8.75cm] (LS) National Monument”

Skull, Bighorn Ram

Ed. of 60 $900.00 Ovis canadensis Door knocker
(7”x8”x4”) [20x10x17.5cm] (1/3LS)

Skull, Bighorn Ram

Ed. of 20 $600.00 Ovis canadensis With petroglyphs, high relief
(9”Hx10”W) [29x22.5cm]

Skull, Bighorn Ram

Unlimited $300.00 Ovis canadensis Skull with removable sheathes,
(3”x6”) [15x7.5cm] three parts

Skull, Bighorn Ram

Ed. of 20 $500.00 Ovis canadensis Skull with sheathes removed
(6”x7”) [17.5x15cm]


Skull, Buffalo

Ed. of 20 $700.00 Bison bison Skull with railroad segment
(12”x8”x3.5”) [20x8.75x30cm] (IP)

Skull, Desert Bighorn Ram

Ed. of 20 $780.00 Ovis canadensis Skull on rock form
(3”x6”x6”) [15x15x7.5cm]

Skull, Desert Bighorn Ram

Ed. of 22 $4,200.00 Ovis canadensis
(14”x22”x19”) [55x47.5x35cm] (LS)

Skull, Moose

Ed. of 20 $880.00 Alces alces Skull lying next to creek
(7”x12”x10”) [30x25x17.5cm] (IP)

Skull, Musk Ox

Ed. of 14 $550.00 Ovibus moschatus Skull next to abstracted bush
(3.5”x7”x9”) [17.5x22.5x12.5cm] forms

Skull, Pronghorn

Ed. of 28 $220.00 Antilocapra americanaSkull on ground shape
(3”x5”x3”) [12.5x7.5x7.5cm]

Skull, Rocky Mountain Goat

Ed. of 7 $700.00 Oreamnos americanusSkull in snow drift
(3”x7”x4”) [17.5x11.25x7.5cm]

Skull, White-tail Buck

Ed. of 9 $,700.00 Odocoileus virginanus
(18”x18”x18”) [45x45x45cm]

Squirrel, Harris Ground

Unlimited $150.00 Ammospermophilus Tail over back,
harrisi see Appendix E & O
(3.5”x4.5”x1.5”) [11.25x3.75x8.75cm] (LS)


Squirrel, western grey with pine cone

Ed. of 10 $1,200 (LS)

SCIRUS griseus




Squirrel, Round Tailed Ground Young


(4.25"x2.25") CITELLUS tereticaudus






Ed. of 11 NA Tapir See Appendix D
(10.5”x12.5”x6”) [31.25x15x26.25cm]

Tapir Track, Cast

NA See Appendix M
(“x”x”) [xxxcm]

Tapir, Skull and Bones

NA See Appendix M
(“x”x”) [xxxcm]

Toucanet, Emerald

Ed. of 20 $750.00 Aulacorhynchus See Appendix N
prasinus albivitta
(7”x12”x4.5”) [30x11.25x17.5cm]

Wolf, Reclining

Ed. of 18 $720.00 Canis lupus “Sleeping Moon-Luna
(4”x9”x6”) [22.5x15x10cm] Dormiendo”

Wolf, Howling

Ed. of 15 NA Canis lupus
(48”x72”x20”) [184x51x122cm] (LS)

Wolf, Howling

Ed. of 30 $1,800.00 Canis lupus
(19”x19”x8”) [49x21x49cm] (1/3LS)

Wolf, Female w/ Two Pups

Ed. of 15 NA Canis lupus
(33”x60”x24”) [153x60x84cm] (LS)

Wolf, Female w/ Two Pups

Ed. of 30 $2,600.00 Canis lupus
(11”x20”x8”) [51x20x28cm] (1/3LS)

Wolf, museum award

(NA) CANIS lupis mexicani


Wolf, Strolling

Ed. of 10 NA Canis lupus See Appendix O
(25”x60”x15”) [150x37.5x62.5cm]


Wolf, Single

(NA) CANIS lupus


Wolf, Grey - group of four

(NA) CANIS lupus


Wolf, Reclining

Ed. of 10 $7,000.00

(11x43x21) CANIS lupus mexicani











Ed. of 27 $420.00 Anvil on wood block
(5”x3.25”x2.5”) [8.1x6.25x12.5cm]

Anvil, Blacksmith’s

Ed. of 50 $420.00 Anvil on tree stump
(6.5”x7”x4.5”) [17.5x11.25x16.25cm]



Unlimited (LS) $220.00




Unlimited (LS) $220.00



Basket, Spiral

Ed. of 10 $350.00 Low relief
(15”x15”) [37.5x37.5cm]


Beer Can in bag

Ed. of 24 $500.00




Binoculars with Strap

NA See Appendix M4
(“x”x”) [xxcm]

Bone Ornament with Feather

Ed. of 9 $580.00 Hohokam bone with carved ram
(12”x5”) [12.5x30cm] (LS) and eagle feather

Boots, Cowboy

Ed. of 50 $450.00 “Karl’s Boots”, cowboy boots
(6”x5.5”x4.5”) [13.75x11.25x15cm]


Ed. of 40 $500.00 Beer bottle broken on paper bag
(7”x9”x17”) [22.5x42.5x17.5cm] (LS)

Bottle in Bag

Ed. of 40 $500.00 Beer, 8 oz.
(10”x4.5”x3”) [11.25x7.5x25cm] (LS)

Bottle in Bag

Ed. of 40 $800.00 Beer, quart
(11”x6”x5”) [15x12.5x27.5cm] (LS)


Chili bird head





Cireiano scene with 52 details

Ed. of 4 $9,000.00




Disks #1,2,3.n (sea forms)

UNLIMITED $400.00 ea.



Disk with Feather

Ed. of 16 $400.00



Cat Track with feathers


(7.5"x8"x1") Felis domesticus


Kino Shell

Ed. of $220



Kino, Instrament Astrolade

Ed. of $800.00









Ed. of 10 $380.00 Paint brush
(7”x6.5”x6.5”) [16.25x16.25x17.5cm](LS)


Ed. of 9 NA Wooden wheeled cart
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (IP)

Chaps with Gloves, Rope and Hat

Ed. of 25 $650.00 “A Week of Ridin’ Fence”
(4”x9”x8”) [22.5x20x10cm]

Clay Jar w/ Pelican Feathers

Ed. of 22 $2,400.00
(18”x9”x9”) [27x13.5x13.5cm]

“Coffee Break on the Range”

Ed. of 25 $600.00 Coffee pot hanging over camp
(6”x5.5”x5”) [13.75x12.5x15cm] (1/6LS)fire

“Cooking on the Range”

Ed. of 25 $700.00 Coffee, Bacon, and Eggs,
(5”x11”x6”) [27.5x15x12.5cm] (1/6LS)Dutch Oven

Corn w/ Turkey Feather, Deer Antler, Cottonwood Twig, Sandstone

Ed. of 40 $4,400.00 “San Raphael Valley Still Life”
(7”x17”x27”) [42.5x67.5x17.5cm] (LS)

Cross, Spanish Mission

Ed. of 9 $900.00 From period cross cut on oak
(15.5”x12”) [30x38.75cm] (LS) tree in Patagonia, AZ

Crucifix, Byzantine

Ed. of 12 $2,400.00
(24”H) [60cm]


Farm Plow

Ed. of 20 $700.00 Plow in a furrow
(5”x17”x6”) [42.5x15x12.5cm]

Farrier’s Anvil

Ed. of 30 $550.00 “The Shoe Fits”
(7”x7”x5”) [17.5x12.5x17.5cm]

Gas Pump

Ed. of 20 NA
(13”x4.5”x4”) [12.5x10x32.5cm] (IP)



Ed. of 10 $250.00



Hebrew Character, “Chai”

Unlimited $75.00
(1/4”x4”x5”) [10x13x1cm]

Unlimited $200.00 Mounted on base
(1/4”x8”x7”) [20x17.5x1cm]


Hohokam scene

Ed. of 15 $3,100.00



Homage to Padre Kino

Ed. of 30 $600.00 Abalone shell with feather,
(5.5”x10.25”x10.5”) [26x27x14cm] (LS) wheat, etc.


Horns, Bighorn

Ed. of 9 $900.00

(5"x10"x11") OVIS canadensis nelsonii


Leafs Disk (sycamore and oak)

Ed. of 19 $900.00






L.V. Marker

Ed. of 7 NFS In memory of Lee Viddaurri
(11”x11”x11”) [27.5x27.5x27.5cm]

“My Only Vice”

Ed. of 25 $450.00 Leg Vice
(8”x5”x5”) [12.5x12.5x20cm] (1/6LS)








Milkweed scene, with monarch butterfly and wolf track

Ed. of 16 $700.00



N. Gen Sonoran





Paint Tube



Painter’s Pallette

Ed. of 40 $1,800.00
(5”x20”x18”) [50x45x12.5cm] (LS)

Petroglyph, Hohokam Spiral

Ed. of 10 $375.00 Polychrome
(15”x11”) [37.5x27.5cm]

Petroglyph, Hohokam Sun

Ed. of 10 $600.00 Polychrome
(9”x11”) [22.5x27.5cm]


Pinon, seeds

Ed. of 5 $400.00




Roping Steer, of Rebar and Scrap Metal

Ed. of 30 $360.00 “Well-d’n,” said the blacksmith
(7.5”x10”x4”) [25x10x18.75cm]

Roping Steer, Plastic Head with Hay Bale

Ed. of 20 $420.00 “Physiology of Feed lot Roping”
(7”x11”x5’) [27.5x12.5x17.5cm]

Roping Steer, Sawhorse with Steer Horns

Ed. of 20 $390.00 “The Buckaroo Saw It This Way”
(6”x9”x5.5”) [22.5x13.75x15cm]

Roping Steers, Set Of Three

Ed. of 20 $1,100.00 “Three Roping Lessons”
Set Of All Three Roping Steers
(See Above For Sizes)[See Above For Sizes]

Saddle, Bronc riding

Ed. of 25 $1,200.00 “Turtle Club” Rodeo Association
(7.5”H) [18.75cm] (1/6LS)See Appendix J

Bronze Saddle

Saddle, Classic Modern

Ed. of 25 $1,800.00 After R. Lloyd Davis and Sons,
(8”H on 4”x6” base) [20cmH on 10x15cm base] Saddlemakers, see Appendix J

Saddle, Dressage

Ed. of 25 $900.00 “After The Ride”, see Appendix J
(61/2”H) [15.25cm] (1/6LS)

Saddle, Southwestern Stock

Ed. of 25 $1,500.00 Circa 1920, F. Ronstadt, Maker
(11”H) [27.5cm] (1/6LS)See Appendix J


Scull, Turkey Vulture

Ed. of 9 $200




Shell, Kino


(1.5"x6"x4") ABALONE shell.


Single Cottonwood leaf

Ed. of 10 $200.00




Spurs, Western

Ed. of 50 $300.00 “Grapevine Tooling”
(4.5”x4”x3”) [10x7.5x11.25cm] Anchor spurs on wood stump

Tile Design #1

Unlimited $220.00 “Sun Katchina” (AT1)
(6.5”x6.5”) [16.25x16.25cm] for Artistic Tile, low relief

Tile Design #2

Unlimited $220.00 “Hummingbird with Ocotillo”
(6.5”x6.5”) [16.25x16.25cm] (AT2) for Artistic Tile, low relief


Tracks, Bighorn with petroglyph

(NA) Ovis canadensis nelsonii



Tracks, Mt Lion

Ed. of 6 $600.00

(1"x11"x10") FELIS concolor


Una Margarita

Ed. of 50 $300.00 Hat, saddlebags, and spurs for
(4.5”x6”x5.5”) [15x13.75x11.25cm] Wendy Payne- O’Brien
Foundation, unnumbered

Wine Bottle in Bag

Ed. of 40 $700.00
(13”x5”x4”) [12.5x10x32.5cm] (LS)


Chameleon , Flap-necked

Ed. of 50 $460.00 See Appendix N
(4”x6.5”x3”) [16.25x7.5x10cm]


Ed. of 22 $480.00 Sauromalus obesus Juvenile, free-standing
(3”x11”x8”) [27.5x20x7.5cm] (LS)


Ed. of 22 $950.00 Sauromalus obesus Adult male on rock forms,
(7”x17”x11.5”) [42.5x29.75x17.5cm] (LS) museum plaque,
see Appendix E


Collared lizard

Ed. of 18 $800.00

(6"x8"x6") (LS) CROTAPHYTUS collaris


Gecko, Banded

Ed. of 20 $450.00 Coleonyx variegatus
(3”x5”x11.5”) [12.5x38.75x7.5cm] (LS)(IP)

Gharial, Hatchling

Ed. of 20 $600.00 Gavialis gangeticus
(6.5”x6.5”x7”) [16.5x17.8x16.5cm] (LS)

Gharial, Nest of Hatchlings

Ed. of 20 $1,200.00 Gavialis gangeticus See Appendix L
(9”x16”x18”) [40.6x45.7x22.8cm] (LS)

Gharial, Young

Ed. of 20 $700.00 Gavialis gangeticus See Appendix L
(3.5”x6”x16”) [15.2x40.6x8.9cm] (LS)

Life Size Gila Monster

Gila Monster

Ed. of 18 $3,600.00 Heloderma With rock form, polychrome,
suspectum lizard 18” [47cm] long
(23”x16”) [57.5x40cm] (LS)

Gila Monster, Mythological

Ed. of 28 $2,100.00 Heloderma “Quail Egg Hunting in the
suspectum Pimera Alta”
(12”x13”x12”) [19.5x18x18cm] (LS)

Gila Monster, Young

Ed. of 24 $1,500.00 Heloderma Polychrome, with rock form base
(9” Length) [22.5cm Length] (LS)

Iguana, Desert

Ed. of 22 $1,500.00 Dipsosaurus dorsalis In kreosote habitat with
with Larrea three-banded grasshopper,
tridentata and Museum plaque,
Trimerotropis Sp. see Appendix E
(11”x17”x4”) [42.5x10x27.5cm] (LS)


Lizard, Aman

Ed. of 20 $1,100.00



Lizard, Chuckwalla -giant spotted





Lizard, Chuckwalla

Ed. of 10 $900.00

(7"x6"x11") (LS) SAUROMALUS obesus



Lizard, Desert Spiny

Ed. of 12 $850.00 Sceloporus magister In habitat setting
(3”x10”x6”) [25x15x7.5cm] (LS)

Lizard, Eastern Fence

Ed. of 22 $600.00 Sceloporus undulatus On an Acacia tree with
new-born, plaque
(2.5”x11”x8”) [27.5x20x3.75cm] (LS) (IP)

Lizard, Giant Spotted Whiptail

Ed. of 20 $3,00.00 Cnemidorphorus With Manzanita and mortar rock
burti with
Arctostaphylo pungens
(13”x20”x14”) [50x35x32.5cm] (LS) (IP)

Lizard, Greater Earless

Ed. of 22 $550.00 Holbrookia texana Museum plaque, see Appendix E
(11”x6”x3”) [15x7.5x27.5cm] (LS)

Lizard, Lesser Earless

Ed. of 22 $550.00 Holbrookia maculata Museum plaque, see Appendix E
(8”x7”x2”) [13.75x5x27.5cm] (LS)

Lizard, Lesser Earless

Ed. of 15 $550.00 Holbrookia maculata Lizard on dried clay
(8”x7”x2”) [13.75x5x27.5cm] (LS) (IP)

Lizard, Side-blotched

Ed. of 22 $550.00 Uta stansburiana Museum plaque, see Appendix E
(11”8.5”x1.5”) [21.25x3.75x27.5cm] (LS)2

Lizard, Single Western Whiptail

Ed. of 20 $550.00 Cnemidorphorus Museum plaque, see Appendix E
(2”x10.5”x7.5”) [26.25x16.75x5cm] (LS)

Lizard, Single Whiptail

Ed. of 20 $660.00 Cnemidorphorus tigrisCircular composition
(6”Dx1.5”H) [15.2cmDx3.7cmH] (LS)

Lizard, Spiny

Ed. of 18 $550.00 Sceloporus clarki With small rock form
(7.5”x3”x3”) [7.5x7.5x18.75cm] (LS) (IP)

Lizard, Spiny in Habitat

Ed. of 22 $900.00 Sceloporus clarki Museum plaque (expanded in
(3.5”x7”x11”) [17.5x27.5x8.25cm] (LS) habitat), see Appendix E

Lizard, Spiny

Ed. of 22 $650.00 Sceloporus clarki Lizard on ground, plaque
(2.5”x6”x10.5”) [15x31.75x6.25cm] (LS)

Lizard, Spiny

Ed. of 22 $800.00 Sceloporus magister Adult on ironwood tree,
(3.5”x7”x11”) [17.5x27.5x8.25cm] (LS) museum plaque, see Appendix E

Lizard, Regal Horned

Ed. of 22 $750.00 Phyronosoma solare Two adults feeding on ants,
(2”x6”x11”) [15x27.5x6cm] see Appendix E


Lizard, Horned head

'Unlimited $95.00

(4"x3"x3") PHRYNOSOMA solare


Lizard, Horned (bottle opener)

Unlimited $110.00


Lizard, Texas Horned

Unlimited $180.00 Phyronosoma cornutum
(3”x5”x4.5”) [12.7x11.4x7.6cm]

Lizards, Two Lined Tree

Ed. of 20 $550.00 Urosaurus ornatus Museum plaque, see Appendix E
(2”x10.5”x6”) [26.25x15x2.5cm] (LS)

Lizards, Two Mesquite Tree

Ed. of 22 $700.00 Urosaurus ornatus Plaque with tree texture, beans
(2”x7.5”x11”) [18.75x27.7x5cm] (LS) leaves and young lizard

Lizards, Two Whiptails

Ed. of 12 $650.00 Cnemidorphorus In habitat with peyote
exsanguis with
Lophora williamsii
(3”x10”x6”) [25x15x7.5cm] (LS)

Lizards, Two Whiptails

Ed. of 22 $700.00 Cnemidorphorus Museum plaque, see Appendix E
(3”x8”x10.5”) [20x26.25x3.75cm] (LS)

Lizard, Young Horned

Unlimited $55.00 Phyronosoma sp.
(1.125”x1.5”x2”) [3.8x5.1x2.9cm] (LS)

Lizard, Young Mesquite Tree

Ed. of 18 $275.00 Urosaurus ornatus With mesquite beans and leaves
(7”x8”) [20x17.5cm] (LS)

Lizard, Young Horned Regal

Unlimited $60.00 Phyrnosoma solare Also available as a small
(3”x3”) [7.5x7.5cm] (LS) belt buckle

Lizard, Zebra-tailed Female

Ed. of 20 $550.00 Callisaurus Museum plaque, see Appendix E
(3”x11”x6”) [27.5x15x7.5cm] (LS)
Python, Reticulated

Ed. of 10 NA reticulatis Coiled, see Appendix M
(“x”x”) [xxcm] (LS) (approx. 20’ long)

Skink, Striped, Basking

Ed. of 50 $320.00 See Appendix N
(1.25”x9”x4.5”) [22.5x11.25x3.125cm]

Snake, Amur Chicken, Coiled

Ed. of 10 $600.00 See Appendix N
(7”x9”x3”) [22.5x7.5x17.5cm]

Snake, Small Gopher

Ed. of 50 $350.00 Pituophis Snake wrapped around
melanoleucus beer can
(5”x3”x3”) [7.5x7.5x12.5cm] (LS)


Snake, King coiled

Ed. of 18 $600.00

(4"x8"x8") Campropelti getuls




Snake, Mtched pair for door handles.



Terrapin, Hinged

Ed. of 20 $900.00 Pelysios bechuanicus See Appendix N
(4”x12”x7”) [30x17.5x10cm]

Tortoise, Desert

Unlimited $150.00 Gopherus agassizi #1 (one year old)
(1”x2.5”x2”) [6.25x5x2.5cm] (LS)

Tortoise, Desert

Unlimited $90.00 Gopherus agassizi #2 (one year old)
(1”x2”x2”) [5x5x2.5cm] (LS)

Tortoise, Desert

Ed. of 50 $900.00 Gopherus agassizi Standing male, 5 years old
(4.5”x9.5”x5.5”) [48.75x13.75x11.25cm] (LS)

Tortoise, Female Desert

Ed. of 20 SOLD OUT Gopherus agassizi Walking
(5”x7.5”x12”) [18.75x30x12.5] (LS)

Tortoise, Female Desert

Ed. of 30 $2,800.00 Gopherus agassizi Reclining
(4”x17”x9.5”) [42.5x23.75x10cm] (LS)


Tortoise, Leopard

Ed. of 30 NA African Species, (9”x12.5”x5”) [31.25x12.5x22.5cm] (LS) see Appendix D & L

Tortoise, Male Desert

Ed. of 30 $2,800.00 Gopherus agassizi Sleeping, in shell
(4”x8”x11.5”) [20x28.75x10cm] (LS)

Tortoise, Male Desert

Ed. of 14 SOLD OUT Gopherus agassizi Walking
(Length of shell 12.5”)[31.25cm] (LS)

Tortoise, Male Desert

Ed. of 45 SOLD OUT Gopherus agassizi White bronze, see Appendix I
(Length of shell 12.5”)[31.25cm] (LS)

Tortoise, Male Desert

Ed. of 5 SOLD OUT Gopherus agassizi Copper edition, see Appendix I
(Length of shell 12.5”)[31.25cm] (LS)

Tortoise, Male Desert

Ed. of 15 $8,000.00 Gopherus agassizi
(13”x32”x23”) [32.5x80x57.5cm] (2XLS)


Tortoise, desert (4xLS)

Ed. 10 $22,000.00

shell 50" long. GOPHERUS agassisi



Tortoise, Male Desert

Ed. of 7 SOLD OUT Gopherus agassizi Walking
(Length of shell 37.5”)[93.75cm] (3XLS)

Tortoise, Desert #2 female

Ed. of 28 $2,800 Gopherus agassizi



Tortoise, Mojave (large) male

Ed. of 25 $4,200.00

(8"x10"x19") GOPHERUS mojave


Tortoise, Pancake

Ed. of 20 $800.00 Malacochersus See Appendix N
(2.25”x9”x6”) [22.5x15x5.625cm]

Turtle, Sea

Unlimited $150.00 Caretta caretta “Newly Hatched”
(3.5”x4”x1”) [10x2.5x8.75cm] (LS)

Turtles, Sea

Ed. of 20 $1,800.00 Caretta caretta “Newly Hatched Turtles Racing
(4”x19”x12”) [47.5x30x10cm] (LS) to Ocean” (IP)

Turtles, Sea hatchine scene (14 turtles)

Ed. of 30 $1,800.00

(4"x19"x13") (LS) CARETTA caretta




The initial model is sculpted in clay.

A plaster or rubber mold is made from the clay model.

Molten wax is poured into the mold and allowed to cool.

The wax is removed from the mold and is reworked by the artist and his assistants to sculpt and repair any flaws or loss of detail resulting from the mold-making process.

A “gating and spruing” system is added to the wax model. It is then covered with several layers of ceramic material that form a shell over the was. The “gating and spruing” system will eventually become a pathway for molten bronze to fill the shape of the sculpture.

The shell is fired in a furnace reaching 2,000 degrees F.
The wax “burns out” (thus: lost wax).

Molten bronze is poured into the ceramic shell.

After the bronze has solidified and cooled, ther ceramic shell is carefully chiseled away.

The raw bronze casting is worked by hand tools to file discrepancies procuced during the casting process. This is called “chasing” and requires hours of grinding and sanding and filing. It is accompanied by welding and sand-blasting.

With the final step in the foundry, the bronze is treated with chosen chemicals and heated to gain a rich, colored patina on its surface. The sculpture is then sealed with a thin coat of wax.

Even though several castings are produced in an edition, each piece varies due to hand-worded attention to every single sculpture.



Generally, two premixed patina solutions are used. Preference is to use them full strength with highlighting using coarse steel wool and waxed cold using Johnson and Johnson paste wax which can usually be found in hardware stores sold in cans.

With outdoor installations of bronzes the wax will generally need to be reapplied with a 1”or 2” bristle paint brush twice each year. It is also a matter of personal taste whether one will want to leave a sculpture unwaxed to allow the patina and environmental conditions to continue the oxidation of the metal as nature will allow. Durable lacquers can be applied that will last as long as 5 years in outdoor weather conditions. Wax may then be applied over the lacquer.

Most often used patina applications are as follows:

Premixed patinas: Birchwood Casey Antique Brown and Birchwood Casey Black applied as stated above.

Ammonium Sulphate sprayed and heated on bronze (a strong solution of 3-4 drops/ quart of water). Ferric Nitrate solutions may be sprayed over the ammonium sulphate to add red tones. Bismuth Nitrate mixed with a trace of ferric nitrate and applied to mildly heated bronze gains some ochre tones. Silver Nitrate applied to hot metal and waxed hot and highlighted will result in shiny silver to gray tones. Usually wax is applied cold to retain opaque tones of oxidation on the metal. Some patinas are better used for sculpture being installed outdoors because of their higher levels of stability.

On rare occasion pigmented waxes will be used to enhance patinas for pieces that will be shown indoors in controlled climates.

Paint or dye chemicals can allow for very specific colors. These have only rarely been used with finishing sculpture listed in this catalogue.

First aesthetic consideration relative to patina choice has been to regard the natural way a sculpture will oxidize on its own in a particular environment. This thought is also related to subject matter.